Liquid Bags

Pera Plastic Liquid Bag is the new generation of packaging for liquid materials. The liner has a welded valve that can be connected to different connections. The bag is stabilized with side reinforcement that are in closed in pockets that are sewn onto the outside of the bag. The pockets are made of PP and are very strong enduring harsh treatment, and in the reinforced sides corrugated paper, corrugated plastic or MDF board are placed. These bags are also often called Fluid Bags. This type of construction is used in solutions that do not involve a recycling system.

For semi-liquid products we recommend equipment that mangles the product contained in the bag.

Liquid Bag with filling- and discharge spout
Liquid Bag with filling spout and flat bottom with valve
Liquid Bag with fillingspout and flat base with valve, 8 sides
Liquid Bag with filling spout and flat bottom
Liquid Bag with skirt and flat base
Liquid Bag with top-valve and flat bottom with valve
Liquid Bag with top-valve and flat botton or drain valve with Wooden-rack
Liquid Bag with valve top and flat bottom with valve, 8 sides